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  • About 350 artists of over 30 different nationalities are taking part in this 5th edition of the FILE, with solo or collective works in the fields of net art, web art, interactive animation, hypertext, interactive web film, interactive movie,
  • Eurographics 2005 -
    "In 2005, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, will play host to Eurographics, the 26th annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics. Eurographics is the leading international organisation purely devoted to the needs of
  • Event: Cinestud Filmfestival '67Institution: 26 Kingly StreetComment:
  • Event: Manifestation for the Unstable Media 1Institution: V2_Lab for the Unstable MediaComment:
  • CeBit '95 -
    Event: CeBit '95Institution: CeBitComment:
  • IMAGINA 2000 -
    Event: IMAGINA 2000Institution: Festival de Télévision de Monte-CarloComment:
  • Event: Die interaktive Porträtsammlung des Museums für KommunikationInstitution: Museum of CommunicationComment:
  • "I smoked my first cigarette here. For years, I saw every single film at the Westdeutsche Kurzfilmtage, looking forward to those days in Oberhausen every year . These events were important for me, for my decision to become a filmmaker." Wim Wenders
  • ARTEC 95 -
    Three main categories emerged in ARTEC '95: 1. sculptures and environments emulating life or protolife; 2. portraits and interpretations derived from the world at large; and 3. performances and displays of invented image. The Biennale continued to
  • Visions of Reality -
    Event: Visions of RealityInstitution: Louisiana Museum of Modern ArtComment: