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  • Ryota Kuwakubo "R/V" -
    An affinity between humans and robots. Cute robots are equipped with monitoring screens reflecting participants faces. YCAM opens an exhibition of artist Ryota Kuwabuko's new installation "R/V". In this work, participants who use remote control
  • Event: Textes, Bombs & VideotapeInstitution: Watershed Media CentreComment:
  • Event: European 5th Framework ConferenceInstitution: European CommissionComment:
  • Event: Petrobras Realidad VirtualInstitution: Centro Cultural Candido MendesComment:
  • Going to the Heart -
    Event: Going to the HeartInstitution: De VleeshalComment:
  • Event: Laser Installation and PerformancesInstitution: Stichting de AppelComment:
  • The Artist in Residence program is one of the programs started at IAMAS since establishment. Each year IAMAS invites outstanding artists from overseas to Japan, and supports their activities while on the program. There have been 16 artists who have
  • Ogaki Biennale 2004 -
    "After its beginning in 1995, it was held for the first 4 times as the interactive art festival "Interaction". Subsequently in 2004, it was reorganized as "Ogaki Biennale", and will continue in this form, with workshops, outside street exhibitions
  • The exhibition shows works by the computer scientist, Frieder Nake (now resident in Bremen), who was a member of the Stuttgart group led by Max Bense. He displayed his first algorithmically generated digital graphics in Stuttgart in 1965, as did
  • Medi@terra 2000 -
    Neo[techno]logisms The neologism NEOTECHNOLOGISM, for Medi@terra 2000, is a starting-point for a series of activities which aspire to escape from the meanings which define them, in search for a new identity. This is not a festival (ceci n'est