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  • ... Based upon its stellar characteristics and distance from Earth, Gamma Leporis (part of the constellation Lepus) is considered a...
  • Monogram
    August 22, 1997 (Kennedy Space Center, Florida)— A Jet Propulsion Laboratory technician inserts the DVD containing Kac's Monogram and many other files into a shallow cavity between two pieces of aluminum that protected it from micrometeoroid
  • ...In 1989, Eduardo Kac transmitted from Chicago his artwork Spacescapes via slow-scan television simultaneously to Pittsburgh (to the DAX Group)...
  • ... County, Taiwan in 1959. She received a Doctor of Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong, Australia in 1996. She was...
  • Ágora
    Holopoem conceived to be sent in the direction of the Andromeda galaxy (not launched)
  • Osmoboxes
    ..."An Osmobox is a work of olfactory art that responds to the presence of the viewer by opening itself and gently releasing an aroma. All...
  • The foundation of my work has always begun with the photograph, which has been rightly considered a “moment” often effectively standing as a singular, self-contained expression. Although this is certainly one important aspect of photography, it has
  • ... lives and works in London. She graduated with a first in Fine Art from Bretton Hall, University of Leeds (1994), followed by an MA...
  • "Every poem in the book Aromapoetry employs nanotechnology by binding an extremely thin layer of porous glass (200 nanometers thick) to every page, trapping the odorants (i.e. the volatile molecules) and releasing them very slowly. Without this
  • ...Escracho is an artist's book conceived, designed, and produced by Eduardo Kac in 1983 in Rio de Janeiro. It includes contributions from artists...