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  • The Robots -
    Event: The RobotsInstitution: Nagashima SpalandComment:
  • Event: Continuous Sound and Image MomentsInstitution: Better BooksComment:
  • Event: Simon Penny: Ceci n'est pas un oiseauInstitution: Dordrecht MuseumComment:
  • ARTEC 89 -
    The theme of the Biennale is 'the possibility for art and technology: high technology art as modern art, computers and artistic expression, high technology art as a means of expression, high technology art in urban environments'. It offered and
  • Ryota Kuwakubo "R/V" -
    An affinity between humans and robots. Cute robots are equipped with monitoring screens reflecting participants faces. YCAM opens an exhibition of artist Ryota Kuwabuko's new installation "R/V". In this work, participants who use remote control
  • The Artist in Residence program is one of the programs started at IAMAS since establishment. Each year IAMAS invites outstanding artists from overseas to Japan, and supports their activities while on the program. There have been 16 artists who have
  • Projections -
    Event: ProjectionsInstitution: Fodor MuseumComment:
  • Event: ISEA 1995 [The Sixth International Symposium on Electronic Art]Institution: ISEA International1Comment:
  • Event: Textes, Bombs & VideotapeInstitution: Watershed Media CentreComment:
  • Event: European 5th Framework ConferenceInstitution: European CommissionComment: