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  • ...John F. Simon, Jr. is an artist who uses programming language as an activated extension of written language. His software programs are displayed on the Web and also on wall-mounted LCD screens. His software compositions never repeat. The beautiful patterns and movement...
  • Imaginary Workspaces is a series inspired by dystopian science fiction narratives as written by Stanislaw Lem and Philip K. Dick that imagine fictional industrial workspaces. This collection of invented images oscillate between retro futuristic
  • ... era. 1970-1971 was a time of global conflict and tension signaled by the Vietnam war, and in Montreal where the artist resided, by the separatist movement actions October Crisis. Each lenticular is related to a place such as Jerusalem, Istanbul,...
  • Refraction
    ... referencing in varying degrees cinematic moments and sequences related to visual cultural consciousness that have been a part of the media generation raised since the 1960’s. In the way that the Russian psychologist Luria’s patient S, suffering from...
  • ...Virtual 3D Library for the University of KonstanzArtist: Daniel RihaComment:
  • ...Pam Skelton is a media artist, professor and researcher. Is Professor at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design and Research Associate at the Photograph and the Archive Research Centre, London. Studied at Southport School of Art Camberwell College of Art and The...
  • ...Joel Slayton is an artist, writer and theoretician. He is currently Professor of Digital Media Art at San Jose State University, where he serves as Director of the CADRE Institute, an interdisciplinary academic research center. Mr. Slayton is the Executive Editor of...
  • ...Karina Smigla-Bobinski works as intermedia artist with analogue and digital media. She produces and collaborates on projects ranging from kinetic sculptures, interactiveinstallations, art interventions, featuring mixed reality and interactive art objects, and also...
  • ...Multimedia Part of Permanent Exhibition in Jan Hus Museum, Konstanz, GermanyArtist: Daniel RihaComment:
  • Two Trees
    ... as able to use the drone to more completely see them and established a temporal experience. The soundtrack was created with Arturia Pigments software synthesizer.