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  • Pulse Spiral - video
    "Pulse Spiral" is a three-dimensional spiral paraboloid made up of 400 lightbulbs arranged according to Fermat's equations, --an efficient spatial distribution along a surface which is found in plant phyllotaxis (arrangement of leaves and cells in
  • Geolocative performance simultaneously staged in the street and in the theater. The public sits in a tent, on which text messages of an urban passer-by / actor are manipulated by movements of a dancer outside the tent. Surveillance technologies, GPS
  • Turnstile I connected a New York City Subway turnstile in Times Square to an identical turnstile placed in the gallery space. When a person passed through the turnstile in Times Square the arm of the turnstile in the gallery would turn in the
  • Goldberg, Ken and Matthew T. Mason and Russell H. Taylor. Sensor-Based Manipulation Planning as a Game with Nature In Robotics Research, edited by R. Bolles and B. RothCambridge, MAS: MIT Press, 1987.
  • Monologue 2021 -
    Monologue is about psychological experience of women. Inspired by women’s diaries and “Nu Shu” which is an old writing system in China used only among women, “Monologue” tries to convey women’s internal and external contradictories which comes from
  • Geolocative performance simultaneously staged in the street and in the theater. The public sits in a tent, on which text messages of an urban passer-by / actor are manipulated by movements of a dancer outside the tent. Surveillance technologies, GPS
  • Lipton, Leonard. Now Step into a Movie: Sensorama Popular Photography 61-62 (July 1964): 114, 116.
  • Michelin, Simone. O Centro do Crisol In Redes Sensoriais: Arte, Ciencia e Tecnologia, edited by Katia Maciel and André Parente, 107-120. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Editora Contracapa, 2003.
  • Maciel, Katia; Parente, Andre and Simone Michelin, ed. Redes Sensoriais: Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia. Essay: O Centro do Crisol.. ISBN 85-86011-74-6, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Contracapa, 2003.
  • Maciel, Katia; Parente, Andre and Simone Michelin, ed. Redes Sensoriais: Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia. Essay: O Centro do Crisol.. ISBN 85-86011-74-6, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Contracapa, 2003.