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  • Event: Why history of art will probably forget Maurice Benayoun's Art Work ?Institution: Emoçao Artificial, Itau CulturalComment:
  • Event: emoção art.ficial 3.0: interface cibernéticaInstitution: Itaú Cultural InstituteComment:
  • Inspired both by constructivist avant-gardes and cognitive psychology, Garcia uses shape to test the senses and push the boundaries of visual assumptions. His work looks past the idea of shape as a function and instead explores its endless
  • Jonathan Harris studied computer science at Princeton University before winning a 2004 Fabrica fellowship in Italy. He creates online projects that re-imagine how humans relate to technology and to each other. These combine elements of computer
  • Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: Museu Inimá de PaulaComment:
  • Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: Usina do GasômetroComment:
  • Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: Estação Cabo Branco - Ciência, Cultura e ArtesComment:
  • Event: Arte Cibernetica. Collection of Itaú CulturalInstitution: MEPE: Museu do Estado de Pernambuco Recife BrazilComment:
  • Alexander Hahn (b. 1954, Rapperswil, Switzerland) has worked in the analog and digital media arts since 1977, integrating the time-based forms of video with practices of installation, computer imagery, print, animation, virtual reality and writing.
  • Event: Consciência Cibernética [?]Institution: Itaú Cultural InstituteComment: