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  • 4 Space -
    In this interactive installation, three viewers are able to manipulate components of a computer-generated image using multi-axis joysticks positioned in front of a projection screen. The image is a half octagonal cylinder that is divided into three
  • Moving Movie - video
    Moving Movie #1 (1977) was an inexpensive modest study made at MIT. I was obsessed with why movie cameras move and movie projectors don’t, and filmed the Boston landscape with a Super8 movie camera mounted on a slowly rotating turntable. The film is
  • Inga is the alien from Alpha-1 who after spending twenty years on Earth finally gets a chance to return to her own planet...Using the rules defined by the authors, custom software edits the film in real time, choosing what appears on the screen,
  • A frame from the stereo animation A Volume of 2- Dimensional Julia Sets. This animation (like most computer animations) took up to 30 minutes per frame to render, 54,000 times slower than real time. In the early 1980s (with the exception of space
  • A romance thriller about shopping, Artificial Changelings is presented as an installation in which one person at a time uses body movement to interact with sound and images. Viewers can take turns either as particpants or spectators. The story opens
  • America`s Finest -
    In 1830, both the camera and the colt revolver were invented. more than a half century later, in 1888 Etienne Jules Maray perfected a gun that substituted film for bullets. There has long been a historical relationship between the camera and the
  • Paranoid Mirror -
    This piece was inspired by the paintings of Van Eyk and in particular the "Marriage of Arnofini". This piece uses reflection as a means of portraiture and reflected self portraiture. Though obscured and distanced, the artists reflection watches from
  • LumiTouch -
    The Lumitouch system consists of a pair of interactive picture frames. When one user touches her picture frame, the other picture frame lights up. This touch is translated to light over an Internet connection. We introduce a semi-ambient display
    Tenori-on is an electronic musical instrument, designed and created by Japanese artist, Toshio Iwai, in collaboration with Yamaha. It consists of a screen, held in the hands, of a sixteen by sixteen grid of LED switches, any of which can be
  • Upon the invitation of the Lindisfarne Association and the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City, a concert of audiovisual mathematics/music took place in the Cathedral Church on 17 October, 1992, at about eight o'clock in