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  • Siegwart, Roland and Ken Goldberg, ed. Beyond Webcams: An Introduction to Online Robots. Cambridge, MASS: The MIT Press, 2002.
  • Dixon, Steve. Metal Performance: Humanizing Robots, Returning to Nature, and Camping About TDR 48, no. 4 (Winter 2004).
  • Iglesias, Ricardo. Robots femeninos y arte electrónico. ISBN: 978-84-8381-068-2 th ed.Madrid: Lengua de Trapo: In: "De Galatea a Barbie: autómatas, robots y otras figuras de la construcción femenina". Various Authors, 2009.
  • The Robots -
    Event: The RobotsInstitution: Nagashima SpalandComment:
  • Alex May (b. 1972) is an English artist exploring a wide range of digital technologies, most notably video projection onto physical objects (building on the technique known as video mapping or projection mapping by using his own bespoke software),
  • Seiko Mikami passed away of cancer in January 2015. She was an interactive media artist that has been working in the realms of information systems and human sensing. Showing large-scale installations since the 80's she used sound, robotics and
  • Jane Tingley is an artist, curator and Assistant Professor at York University. Her studio work combines traditional studio practice with new media tools - and spans responsive/interactive installation, performative robotics, and telematically
  • Mari Velonaki has worked as an artist and researcher in the field of interactive installation art since 1995. Velonaki has created interactive installations that incorporate movement, speech, touch, breath, electrostatic charge, artificial vision
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. The Application of Artificial Life to Interactive Computer InstaIlations In AROB’97 International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Conference Proceedings, , 11-15. Oita: Oita University, 1997.
  • Goldberg, Ken and Matthew T. Mason and Russell H. Taylor. Sensor-Based Manipulation Planning as a Game with Nature In Robotics Research, edited by R. Bolles and B. RothCambridge, MAS: MIT Press, 1987.