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  • Desert rain -
    In this fascinating piece the company worked in collaboration with the Computer Research Group of the School of Computer Science at Nottingham University, UK. The piece was one of the most complex and powerful responses to the first Gulf War
  • ENERGY PASSAGES 2004 Energy Passages transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary. The daily newspaper becomes a poetic audio-visual field of keywords flowing through urban space. The installation is designed to make visitors think about how
  • Homographies -
    Homographies is a large-scale interactive installation featuring a turbulent light array that responds to the movement of the public. The installation consists of 144 white fluorescent light tubes which are hung from 72 robotic fixtures on the
  • Beyond Manzanar is an interactive 3D virtual reality environment, a metaphorical landscape that explores political scapegoating of ethnic populations in times of crisis. The historic experiences of Japanese Americans in World War II and the more
  • Tollen
    In an arena of about 6m by 10m the artist puts a number of spinning tops in motion. He attempts to drive them as a kind of flock or lets them interact as a kind of self-sustaining system. They move in unpredictable ways, sometimes careful and
  • Elektron -
    Elektron is a site-specific installation examining the path of electricity from the source to the endpoint in the gallery. Electricity is invisible to the eye and yet indispensable in contemporary society. Switching on a lamp in our homes might seem
  • Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall is a virtual reality (VR) artwork, an interactive 3D computer graphic installation that enables users to experience a section of the Berlin Wall in its former complexity. A digital reconstruction of a
  • Biopsia - video
    This piece is a kinetic sculpture consisting in a disc where a drop of colored water falls from the ceiling at regular intervals. An animation of a clockwork mechanism, revolving around the color stains, is projected onto the disc. It was part of
  • Autobiography -
    "Autobiography" consisted of three light boxes and two computer stations. One computer displayed a Web site, which was created for "Autobiography". The other displayed the same material as the Web site, but provided a different way into these
  • Strange Days -
    Shirley Shor > CryptoMania Opening Reception: Thursday, November 30, 2017, 20:00 Curator: Yaron Haramati CryptoMania brings the cyberworld and human/machine relations in the post-digital age into the world of art. Shor explores abstract themes like