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  • Artec'97
  • ...Romy Achituv is an experimental interdisciplinary artist whose work engages issues of representation, language, time, and memory. Underlying his practice is an ongoing interest in the language of visual representation and in dynamics of spectatorship and interaction....
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Anthroposcope and Phototropy In ARTEC´95, Nagoya: Nagoya City Art Museum, 1995.
  • ...Cassim, Julia. Artec Biennale on an upswing, Part 2 The Japan Times (May 1995).
  • ...The Council for the International Biennale in Nagoya. ARTEC '89: the possibility for art and technology. Nagoya: The Chunichi Shimbun, 1989.
  • ARTEC 91 -
    ...Event: ARTEC 91Institution: ARTEC - International Biennale in NagoyaComment:
  • ARTEC 93 -
    ...Event: ARTEC 93Institution: ARTEC - International Biennale in NagoyaComment:
  • ARTEC 1999 -
    ...Event: ARTEC 1999Institution: ARTEC - International Biennale in NagoyaComment:
  • ARTEC91 -
    ...Event: ARTEC91Institution: International Biennale in NagoyaComment: