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  • ...rovenant de l’arrière du dispositif. L’autre pièce, de la série Signez vous-même les œuvres des plus grands maîtres ! est non moins...
  • ...Casares, Nilo. La restauración del significado. Arte, otra vez. Vol.1. 1ª th ed.Valencia, Spain: Institució Alfons el Magnánim, 2004.
  • ... pensamiento, dichas experiencias sirven para dar certeza a los significados y funciones de los elementos con que llevamos a cabo...
  • Their Things Spoken -
    ... and the information content of bearers of personal significance originating in apparently unimportant, unknown...
  • ... arc of his distinguished career. Acknowledging the profound significance of the theater in Kentridge's work, SFMOMA will present...
  • FIELDS 2.1
    ... moments of time. In the project consciousness (or its signatures) appears as a reaction to another consciousness (or its...
  • Tele-touch
    ... the Tele-Touch Web site has a similar log-in procedure. Once signed in the user is prompted to select a desired type of touch:...
  • Things Spoken -
    ... momentos, personal artifacts, found things, etc. Their significance for their 'collectors' are usually contextual...
  • Day of the Figurines -
    ... we inhabit'. (IPerG) Pervasive games are of profound significance, not only artistically and technologically, but also...
  • (in)human sciences -
    ... respecting its rules and limits, at same time attaching a new significance to advertising spaces. Artists and websites:...