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  • Beyond -
    In a playful spirit of philosophical inquiry, Beyond explores the paradoxes of technology, desire and the paranormal posed since the birth of mechanical reproduction: the phonograph severing the voice from the body, photography capturing the soul
  • Lavoslava Benčić. Virtualna tematska pot Emil Benčić, od izkušenj do neskončnosti : tehnološke in teoretične podlage produkcije novomedijskega projekta Master Thesis, Schol of Arts, Nova Gorica,
  • Is a computer-driven slide installation with a soundtrack. The images are projected onto a wall and onto net hung in a ladder . The net creates hologram-like three-dimensional effects. Computerized dissolve equipment produces sequences of images
  • COMBATscience -
    Multimedia environment with performative inserts 'COMBATscience' takes the life stories of the German scientist and Nobel Prize winner Friedrich Haber (1868–1934) and his wife, the chemist Clara Immerwahr (1870–1915), as motifs for the development
  • Mixed reality installation 'COMBATscience Augmented' reimagines the 2008 multimedia environment 'COMBATscience', realised in cooperation with Cathrin Pichler in the Volkstheater in Vienna, and transforms it into another sensory setting. The life
  • Black Box / Chambre Noire konzipierte William Kentridge speziell für die Reihe der Auftragsarbeiten des Deutsche Guggenheim und wählte daher inhaltlich bewusst Deutschland, das Land des Auftraggebers, als Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit. Kentridge, der
  • Spectropia -
    A work in progress , is an evening-length interactive media performance performed by two players with the the participation of audience members. Spectropia can also be presented as an interactive installation for two viewers at museums, festivals
  • Weibel, Peter. Freies Hirn im Cyberspace. Peter Weibel über Kunst und Medien der "Zweiten Moderne" Der Spiegel 3 (January 18th 1999): 187-189.
  • An interactive 4 channel video installation for actors and the audience describes the life of the Missionar Jakob Friedrich Ziegler, who moved in the mid-19th Century from Dagersheim near Stuttgart to Dharwar in Karnataka, India. Chris Ziegler:
  • Mixed reality installation "COMBATscience Augmented II" is a mixed reality installation that critically reflects on science and its ethical implications, beginning with the gas attacks in World War I and continuing to contemporary research on