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  • ... that pan from left to right over the surface and increasingly... animation, sensors, fog, light and sound to explore the way hidden...
  • OHP # -
    ... technological medium, the overhead projector. The additional film... manually operated, are moved and controlled through motors and...
  • ... to the audience to discover something new," stated Alfred... Cultural Relations (IfA), and the special "Viva Mexico!", which...
  • Plasm: In the Breeze -
    ...Swinging out over a synthesized creek, viewers stir up the artificial life forms...
  • ... strongest when the subway overhead passed. An interactive video and audio installation, which was performed at 5Pointz Art...
  • Lorna - video
    ... chose to voyeuristically overhear conversations of different... set. As LORNA watched the news and ads, she became fearful, afraid to...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... them: we are conscious of being overheard and our private conversations... users, rural users, teenagers and other demographics usually excluded...
  • Spectropia -
    ... He is a short circuit in her overheated machine - a black and white... viewers at museums, festivals and public spaces. A version will be...
  • ... television cameras which had overheated, thus interfering with the... occurred in which the image and sound were interrupted. Wojtek...