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  • Andy Lomas is a mathematician, digital artist and Emmy award winning supervisor of computer generated effects. Cellular Forms is the latest part of Morphogenetic Creations: a series of work which explores how complex organic structures, such as
  • Bio (short) Agam (A.) Andreas [Andreas Maria Jacobs - NL 1956] studied experimental physics and musicology at the University of Amsterdam NL (BSc. 1978), electronic and computer music at the State University Utrecht NL (1981) and holds a BSc. in
  • Andrea Zapp, born in Germany, is an internationally exhibiting media artist working across many platforms, such as “Networked Installation Stages”, art installations that are mixing and referencing real, virtual and online spaces; “Media, Miniature
  • ABANDON NORMAL DEVICES FESTIVAL OF NEW CINEMA AND DIGITAL CULTURE Abandon Normal Devices (AND) welcomes audiences to experience the best in new cinema and media art in a celebration that spills from screens and galleries into the streets and
  • Mirapaul, Matthew. An Intense Dose of Virtual Reality The New York Times Online (July 9th 1998).
  • "An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War" is an interactive CD-ROM and computer-media installation project that explores the inscription of historical narrative through the process of archive construction. This non-linear index, or narrative features
  • MN.A is a video installation created for the Artist Researcher Project of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói, RJ, Brazil. It was addressed to the physical and conceptual characteristics of that place. It belongs to the series American
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    an art collection concieved by contemporary artists for virtual reality OPUS IN MACHINA > IMAGO EX MACHINA ART EXPLORER : AN ACTIVE SPECTATOR Milestones for an Art After Museum Is there thing such as Art After Museum ? Cosa Mentale Back to
  • Dr Alan Dunn studied at Glasgow School of Art and The Art Institute of Chicago. He was curator of The Bellgrove Station Billboard Project (Glasgow, 1990-91), lead-artist on the tenantspin project (Foundation for Art & Creative Technology, Liverpool
  • Online exhibition of Web-based work curated by Walker Art Center.