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  • Paul Garrin began working with video while studying fine arts at the Cooper Union School of Art in New York. His works over the past 20 years encompass a full spectrum of analog and digital media from video to the Internet, exploring media and the
  • Sommerer, Christa. A Life in Art, Design, Edutainment, Game and Research LEONARDO Journal 4 (2001): 297-298.
  • Sandin, Dan. EVL: Alive on the Grid In Ars Electronica 2001: TAKEOVER - Who´s doing the art of tomorrow? / Wer macht die Kunst von morgen?, edited by Gerfried Stocker and Christine SchöpfWien, New York: Springer Verlag, 2001.
  • Christopher Hales studied PhD research on Interactive Film Art at the RCA Film and TV Department, and taught as Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Art of the University of the West of England [Bristol] until 2001. His interactive films and CD-ROMs
  • Hiroshi Ishii is the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, at the MIT Media Lab. He joined the MIT Media Lab in October 1995, and founded the Tangible Media Group. He currently directs the Tangible Media Group, and he co-directs
  • Tiia Johannson was a media artist, educator and researcher based in Tallinn, Estonia. Her background was in fine arts and moving image, since1990 she has mostly been working on numerous media art projects on video, multimedia and Information Society
  • Brenda Laurel is a designer, researcher and writer. Her work focuses on interactive narrative, human-computer interaction, and cultural aspects of technology. Her career in human-computer interaction spans over twenty-five years. She holds an M.F.A.
  • Marini, Daniele. L´immagine multimediale. München: Addison-Wesley, 2001.
  • Princenthal, Nancy. Code. X: Genome (Review) Art in America (February 2001).
  • Goldberg, Ken and Billy Chen. Collaborative Control of Robot Motion: Robustness to Error In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Systems, : 2001.