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  • I am fascinated by human/techno/plant relations in dynamic systems and networked assemblages. Working with new technology against the grain, my research takes a positive yet critical approach, framed by new materialism and posthumanism. I have
  • Ciber@rt -
    Event: Ciber@rtInstitution: Festival Ciber@rtComment:
  • Ex Machina -
    Event: Ex MachinaInstitution: Camerawork GalleryComment:
  • Environments Reversal -
    Event: Environments ReversalInstitution: Camden Arts CentreComment:
  • Event: Kanagawa International Art & ScienceInstitution: Kanagawa Science CenterComment:
  • The Tables Turned -
    Event: The Tables TurnedInstitution: ZKMComment:
  • Swansea Art Festival -
    Event: Swansea Art FestivalInstitution: University of WalesComment:
  • Icograda Congress -
    Event: Icograda CongressInstitution: Kasteel MaurickComment:
  • Amy M. Youngs creates biological art, interactive sculptures, and digital media works that explore interdependencies between technology, plants and animals. Her practice-based research involves entanglements with the non-human, constructing