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  • Secret Detours -
    ... the garden was filmed as a spherical 360° video, not only for artistic but also for conservation purposes. Four dancers acted out a...
  • ... Chinese Garden architecture with pavilions, monuments and in particular an intriguing structure of forking paths. With this project,...
  • ... lebt und arbeitet in Wien 2008 Robots' Choice Award, Art-Bots Dublin since 2008 working for RCSI, (Research Center for...
  • ...Dinka Pignon is an interdisciplinary media artist working with spatial video installation and performance art. Her experimental practice is...
  • ... he was affiliated with the Center for Research in Electronic Art Technology (CREATE), in the Dept. of Music, and the Graduate...
  • Decision Disc N°1 -
    Are you confronted with a difficult choice? Don't you know wether to do something or not? Then pose your question, play the record and you'll easily find the right solution! As soon as a coin is flipped into the air, as soon as the dice is thrown,
  • How can Nietzsche’s fear of the Eternal Return made comprehensible, even if it may fallen victim to wrong interpretation? Elke Reinhuber's approach to explicate this problem is a vinyl record of an endlessly reiterating sound, which emphasises the
  • ... County, Taiwan in 1959. She received a Doctor of Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong, Australia in 1996. She was...
  • Forced Leisure -
    ... from working life in the first place (asylum seekers, partly women) or for whom only insufficient measures of inclusion in the...
  • ...Andrea Polli is an artist working at the intersection of art, science and technology whose practice includes media installation, public...