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  • video, 7.40’ The video Bodyfraction parallels microscopic images of fragments of the artist’s body (tooth enamel, skin, nails, hair etc.) with recordings of drawings and light-sensitive objects created on their basis. Drawings were digitally
  • Paula Strunden studied architecture in Vienna, Paris and London and worked at Raumlabor Berlin and Herzog & de Meuron Basel. Currently she pursues her design-led PhD within the European network TACK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work
  • MONOCOLOR alias Marian Essl is a Vienna based audiovisual artist. He explores the interrelations between sound and image in both performance-based and installation-based works. His fully generative, algorithmically created imagery oscillates between
  • Vacuum formed plexi-glass, light projection Series (6): Tooth, Eyelash, Skin, Hair, Tooth v.2, Nail Dim: 80 x 90 cm (each) This series of relief light-sensitive works was conceived on the basis of computer-modified microscopic images of particles of
  • Acryl and marker on paperSeries (12), dim: 66 x 90 cm (each) Drawings in colour that trace microscopic motifs of bodily particles shift conceptually away from the real motif towards the abstract one using form and colour on two levels: colour (the
  • (2020, 7” HD video brochure, video loop, sound, 8.26" x 5.82”) Captured while on transit to New York one year ago. I found myself next to a fellow traveler suffering from a severe cold. These days I would most likely start up and run, but at that
  • An Ascent
    video, 7,08’ By mixing colourful abstract light patterns and fragments of figurative reality the video aims to visualize a kind of inner psychological landscape, where words, thoughts, memories, emotions and desires combine and coexist in a highly
  • Nebulae
    acryl, pastel and marker on paperdim: 68 x 88 cm (each), series (6) Reminiscent of clouds of interstellar dust and ionized gases, this series of drawings is technically based on abstract templates derived from microscopic recordings. Thus, the
  • Homo Insectus an interactive installation Developed for the Ullens Foundation © 2020, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER Insects are an essential element of the biosphere. However, due to pollution and the widespread use of chemicals, many insect
  • ANTopolis - video
    ANTopolis A large scale interactive media façade for public space © 2020, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer Summary: In the interactive media façade project "ANTopolis" virtual ants invade the city. They look for human activities, crawl