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  • Event: La Montre Verte, Living ThingsInstitution: Cap DigitalComment:
  • Event: OBJETS PERDUS. Things of Greater SignificanceInstitution: Tiroler Landesmuseum FerdinandeumComment:
  • Zingerle, Andreas and Kronman Linda. The Internet of other people’s things. :, 2018.
  • Event: Thingworld Media triennaleInstitution: National Art Museum Of ChinaComment:
  • Thinkapalooza -
    Event: ThinkapaloozaInstitution: MIT Museum/Main GalleryComment:
  • Huhtamo, Erkki. Thinkering with Media: On the Art of Paul DeMarinis In Paul DeMarinis: Buried in Noise, edited by Ingrid Beirer and Sabine Himmelsbach and Carsten Seiffairth, 33-46. Heidelberg/Berlin: Kehrer, 2010.
  • Virilio, Paul. The Information Bomb (Radical Thinkers). London, UK: Verso Verlag, 2006.
  • My work is based on research into the phenomenological nature of visual perception. The emphasis is on reframing the relationship between traditional fine art media and the ever increasing possibilities of digital media. The artworks reflect upon
  • Fascinum -
    Artworks Fascinum December, 2001 Fascinum is a Yahoo Hack. It shows in real-time the news pictures the most viewed (ranked from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo portals. The viewer surfs at the top of the infotainment wave and experiments
  • Public Messages -
    Typed sentences has been collected by people I met and I’m actually meeting in chat for two years. These sentences are not picked up from conversations but they’re written thoughts near the avatars, substantially they have the same function, they’re