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  • ...Marcos Novak, born 1957, professor at UCSB, transarchitect, artist, and theorist. He exhibits, lectures, and conducts workshops worldwide. He...
  • ...Bob O ' Kane is a professional ""linker"" between art and technology. He used interfaces in order to collaborate with other fellow artist such...
  • ...Chris O’Shea is an artist and experience designer. He creates installations that playfully challenge our perception of spaces and objects. He...
  • ... in Berlin. I've been active in the critical intersection of art and technology since 1998. My projects and the occassional paper...
  • "Every poem in the book Aromapoetry employs nanotechnology by binding an extremely thin layer of porous glass (200 nanometers thick) to every page, trapping the odorants (i.e. the volatile molecules) and releasing them very slowly. Without this
  • ...Escracho is an artist's book conceived, designed, and produced by Eduardo Kac in 1983 in Rio de Janeiro. It includes contributions from artists...
  • ...Currently an Assistant Professor developing an electronic art program at Union College in Schenectady, NY, Fernando Orellana uses new and...
  • Orlow's work tackles the impossibility of narrating or representing the past and addresses the spatial conditions of history and memory. Spanning locations in Africa, the Arctic, Eastern Europe and Switzerland, his work can often be seen to employ a
  • ...Owens is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and curator interested in the influence of digital networks and communication systems on...
  • ... between 1982 and 1984, show a relentless desire to explore art forms that can be reproduced and inserted in a mass media context....