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  • Pedro Alves da Veiga is a Portuguese transdisciplinary artist and researcher. He holds a degree in Computer Science (Nova University of Lisbon), a Post-graduation in Advanced Studies of Digital Media Art (Aberta University) and a PhD in Digital
  • Event: Triennale di Milano 1995Institution: La Triennale di MilanoComment:
  • Event: Muu Media Festival 1993Institution: Otso GalleryComment:
  • Event: Simon Penny: Sympathetic SentienceInstitution: Galerie Samuel LallouzComment:
  • Henry Art Gallery, Seattle; Project Studios One (P.S.1), New York; Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf im Ehrenhof; Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin; Haus der Kunst, München
  • Mari Velonaki has worked as an artist and researcher in the field of interactive installation art since 1995. Velonaki has created interactive installations that incorporate movement, speech, touch, breath, electrostatic charge, artificial vision
  • Pedro Veneroso, born in 1987, lives and works in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Bachelor of Visual Arts (EBA/UFMG), master with distinction in Literary Studies (FALE/UFMG) and PhD candidate in Arts (EBA/UFMG), the artist researches the intersections
  • Event: Tu Parles!? le français dans tous ses étatsInstitution: Musee D' Art Contemporain Comment:
  • Kunst Over de Vloer -
    Event: Kunst Over de VloerInstitution: EntrepotdokComment:
  • Pneutube -
    Event: PneutubeInstitution: Institute of Contemporary ArtComment: