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  • ... unique pop-culture icons from parts. In his projects his artistic training as a painter and his 15-year long activity as...
  • ...Susan Narduli is a Los Angeles-based artist and Principal of Narduli Studio – an interdisciplinary design practice with commissions in public...
  • Monogram
    August 22, 1997 (Kennedy Space Center, Florida)— A Jet Propulsion Laboratory technician inserts the DVD containing Kac's Monogram and many other files into a shallow cavity between two pieces of aluminum that protected it from micrometeoroid
  • ... Ästhetik und Kunstphilosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. In meiner Masterarbeit habe ich den Flaneur, seine Wurzeln und...
  • ..."I am a silicon valley unicorn. I make software art. I communicate between engineers and artists. I think a lot about issues of programming for...
  • ...In 1989, Eduardo Kac transmitted from Chicago his artwork Spacescapes via slow-scan television simultaneously to Pittsburgh (to the DAX Group)...
  • ... new media. Nicholls calls these kinds of works 'Immersive Art', a term normally used only in Virtual Reality. Nicholls sees this...
  • ...Katherine Nolan is a contemporary artist who works primarily with video, image and performance. She is also a lecturer, and curates with MART,...
  • Ágora
    Holopoem conceived to be sent in the direction of the Andromeda galaxy (not launched)
  • Osmoboxes
    ..."An Osmobox is a work of olfactory art that responds to the presence of the viewer by opening itself and gently releasing an aroma. All...