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  • Event: Enter3 Festival for New TechnologiesInstitution: Enter3 Festival for New TechnologiesComment:
  • Strauss, Wolfgang. Entre 0+1: Ampliar os limites do espaco Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens 25/26 (1998): 185-191.
  • Event: Entre a Palavra e a ImagemInstitution: Museu de Arte Moderna - Sala Città AmericaComment:
  • Event: Entre Réparation et Régénération: Du Diable au Pays de la GuerreInstitution: Restauration du Media Art, Art numérique et postéritéComment:
  • A exposição Entre Sensíveis Pixels: espaço –tempo – agora leva ao Estúdio Galeria Mamute, uma discussão a respeito da arte em diálogo com as tecnologias digitais e com os questionamentos deste tempo. Uma mostra que pensa a condição na qual o...
  • Performers tele-dialogue from two distinct places with a single spectator at a time, whose shadows become the theater of the work. Each performance is unique and constitutes a singular experience for the visitor, who is no longer only a passive...
  • Performers tele-dialogue from two distinct places with a single spectator at a time, whose shadows become the theater of the work. Each performance is unique and constitutes a singular experience for the visitor, who is no longer only a passive...
  • entre-deux -
    Event: entre-deuxInstitution: ZAIMComment:
  • entre-deux -
    Event: entre-deuxInstitution: Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)Comment:
  • entre-deux -
    Event: entre-deuxInstitution: Escales Improbables MontrealComment: