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  • Woolford: Cyber Sex. -
    This was the first piece examining the possibilities of haptical sensations transmitted through ISDN-connections. An archaic piece of extreme media and meanwhile a classic. (
  • Multimedia installation with neon, recorder and cassette tape, repeating graphs of electrocardiograms, transcribed in neon, which generate sensations of living inside a heart.
  • 2002/03 tangible communication device "Mobile Feelings" is an artistic project that explores the ambivalence of sharing personal information with an anonymous audience. Instead of communication via voice or images to people we know, "Mobile
  • Event: Deep Space Sensations & ImmersionInstitution: Australian Center for the Moving Image (ACMI)Comment:
  • Alp Tuğan works on sociotechnology, generative art, and sonic arts and has participated in various exhibitions and events with his audiovisual projects. Tuğan is also a co-founding member of the live coding duo called RAW (
  • In Telematic Dreaming (1992) a live telematic video installation linking two sites first exhibited at the legendary Koti Exhibition in Kajaani, Finnland, a bed is the medium for high definition images: images of a partner, perhaps many thausands of
  • "The Living Room" is an intelligent, interactive image, sound and voice environment. It becomes "alive" and starts to "sense" when users enter and interact with this room. Like in a perfect surveillance system all sounds, voices, gestures and
  • Apparatus for seeing your self from above In computergames you can see your game character from different perspectives. In the first parts of the game GTA (Grand Theft Auto) you lead your character from the bird’s eye view from above. In real
  • Rara Avis -
    The work “Rara Avis” (1996) of Eduardo Kac consists of a large cage, in which thirty real birds (zebra finches) and a telerobot, which looks like a rare bird, take place. In the macaw’s eyes are installed two cameras with Charge-Coupled Devices
  • Off-Sense -
    Off-Sense is an extended version of Nuzzle Afar. Both challenges to design a cyberspace as a meeting place. It stands completely opposite position to the famous network game "DOOM". Video image texture and audio conneciton enables to humen common