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  • This film shows a monochrome landscape beneath a strip of sky. At first barely perceptible, a subtle movement is noted throughout the peaked contours of the waves—an organic contraction and expansion of a mountain-like skin. It is with the congealed
  • Reflexions - video
    His first interactive sound installation. Construction of some very bulky 8 x 8 pixel video cameras, connected then to a wire-wrapped card in the Apple ][ which digitized the images, and wrote a program for the Apple ][ which controlled a Korg MS-20
  • Computer Animation A liquid architecture is an architecture whose form is contingent on the interests of the beholder; it is an architecture that opens to welcome you and closes to defend you; it is an ar chitecture without doors and hallways,
  • Zielinski, Siegfried and Daniel Irrgang, ed. Bodenlos,Vilém Flusser und die Künste., Berlin: Akademie der Künste Berlin, 2015.
  • Plant Sensors -
    Plants are very common in our world and and contain a vast amount of information. Although there are open debates about the intelligence of plants, it is undeniable that plants have a great ablity to sense and respond to their environment. The
  • Michael Naimark is a media artist and researcher who often explores "place representation" and its impact on culture. He has served as faculty in the USC School of Cinematic Arts' Interactive Media Division (2004-09), the NYU Tisch School of the
  • Conor McGarrigle is an artist and researcher working at the intersection of digital networks and real space. Coming from a background in net art, his work is concerned with the ways that digital networks are entangled in all aspects of everyday
  • 2007 Maison de la Photographie, Sept 12-30 2007 Art@utsiders - Territoires Invisible (exhibiting artists: Charles & Ray Eames, Semiconductor, Ken Goldberg & Karl Bohringer, Gregory Chatonsky, Victoria
  • Heaven -
    An interactive digital video projection environment 1 interactive video projection, colour, silent 12 x 12 x 18 metres This video projection was done onto the ceiling of the Dominakanerkirch (Dominican Cathedral) in Osnabruck, 18 metres above