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  • Suspension
    ... not a determinable place so much as it is a mode or figure of presence. Both local and distributed, it is suspended between formats...
  • ... Calif./Mex division, surrounded with an arsenal of military presence. But my use of the military technology is to take that...
  • ... of music and image." Many elements including the actual presence of Sakamoto/Iwai, the machinery that is called the piano, the...
  • Presence -
    Presence is a three beam interactive video projection installation commissioned for the Art Machine II exhibition at the Maclellan Galleries,...
  • ... non-verbal modes of communication, extended embodiment and presence in real and mixed reality and interactive art contexts, using...
  • Desert rain -
    ... realms of the image. (…) It is therefore the performing live presence existing alongside the vitriol world that enables a critique...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... social forces have dramatic repercussions for the city. As the previously discrete zones of private and public space (the home, the...
  • Unreflective Mirror -
    ... projector x 2 This virtual mirror effectively erases the presence of the spectator, manipulating and questioning notions of...
  • ambientROOM -
    ... background awareness and foreground activity. Ghostly Presence is an application of the ambientROOM platform. Ghostly...
  • ...This sensation of absorption and the loss of one’s presence also finds its roots in the fear of souls being captured in mirrors. The Etruscan...