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  • .. The wide spectrum of his research projects includes: media archaeology of Latin America, 3D-modelling of Photogrammetry technology and data-translation into digital media ..
  • Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, renowned German art collective and professors, have made significant contributions to the realm of digital media art and interactive installations. Pioneers in the field, they have not only created immersive
  • ... Art, 12/2023Text by Alejandro Quiñones RoaInterview by Carla Zamora and Alejandro Quiñones RoaMonika Fleischmann and Wolfgang... privacy-eroding surveillance.18 Steve Dixon, author of Digital Performance callsthe idea of transforming mirrors “perfectly...
  • .. making visible that which is not before our eyes, that which is not directly evident nor exposed to the view ..
  • ... Progressivement les objets ont commencé à intégrer des caractéristiques réservées au comportement des êtres biologiques. Dans un... La performance est la présentation d'un projet de recherche technologique proposée en 2013 (soit 10 ans plus tard) Présentée sur une estrade,...
  • The two internationally renowned media artists and researchers based in Linz/Austria have been active as an artistic couple since the ‘90s and have especially pioneered in the field of interactive media art and exlporations of artificial life.
  • ...ERER &MIGNONNEAUThe Archive of Digital Art, 03/2023Text & Interview by Carla Zamora“A dark room. It contains plants, and there’s a... and art, Critical Data Art, stage-based interaction andperformance art and many, many more. The possibilities seem almost...
  • ...ominguesThe Archive of Digital Art, 07/2023Text, Editing & Interview by Carla ZamoraShe has an immense and multifaceted body of work,... the ‘70s, my artwork was placed in the hybrid territory of performance, prints andinstallation which included the visitor into the...
  • Diana Domingues, a pioneering artist-engineer, scholar, and researcher from Brazil, has impacted and shaped the landscape of electronic art in Latin America. By bridging the realms of intangible culture and rituals within Latin American native
  • ...despain, Cara. All American: Defining Ourselves in a Time of Change Artpulse Magazine (July 2009).