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  • Susan Collins (b. 1964 London) is one of the UK's leading artists working with digital media. For the past decade the collision between the real and the artificial or virtual has been a key area of investigation. Collins works across public, gallery
  • [epidemiC] is a network of people working in sectors as diverse as art, computer science, anthropology, communication, history, and economy. [epidemiC] explores the phenomena arising from the intrusion of computer science's cultural behaviors into
  • Allen, Rebecca and Eitan Mendelowitz. Coexistence In CAST01 // Living in Mixed Realities, edited by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang StraussSchloss Birlinghove: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2001.
  • Metamediji
    Manovich, Lev. Metamediji. Belgrade: Centar za savremenu umetnost [Center for Contemporary Arts], 2001.
  • The Amsterdam based artist couple Erwin Driessens (1963 Wessem) and Maria Verstappen (1964 Someren) have worked together since 1990. After their study at the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and the Rijksacademy Amsterdam, they jointly developed a
  • Bosco, Roberta. Viaggi and Tecnologia Net Art: tavolozze digitali Gulliver (Rizzoli Periodici) (January 2001): 124-131.
  • Eskin, Blake. Building the Bioluminescent Bunny ARTnews 100, no. 1 (2001): 118-119.
  • Ranzenbacher, Heimo. Strategies of Intertainment In Ars Electronica 2001: TAKEOVER - Who´s Doing the Art of Tomorrow? / Wer macht die Kunst von morgen?, edited by Gerfried Stocker and Christine SchöpfNew York, Wien: Springer Verlag, 2001.
  • Shedroff, Nathan. Experience Design 1. Vol.1. San Francisco, CA: New Riders Press, 2001.
  • After highschool and community service in an institution for the mentally ill he went to Marburg to study art, music and media at Phillips Universität. One year later he changed to the Städelschule in Frankfurt in order to study film with Peter