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  • Variations 504 is an interactive music installation that engages viewers by allowing them to control the music they hear by interacting with the sculpture. It consists of an array of balls, tubes and cubes. By moving the balls, participants can mix
  • Lautriv's body is an interactive sculpture. Both sexes are contained in unique figure, composed by a synthesis of classical forms: the head of Medusa, the ears (serpents) of Medusa, the chest and hand of Discobolo and the abdomen and legs of
  • automated mirror sculpture (stainless steel mirrors, baltic birch, electrical motors) 76 3/4 x 41 1/2 x 8 inches 194.9 x 105.4 x 20.3 cm
  • What is the condition of the art object in the age of networking and telematics? The piece entitled Dialogical Drawing, 1994, by Eduardo Kac, addresses this question by presenting two identical objects simultaneously at two distinct exhibition
  • Light/Depth -
    A public art for skaters. A sculpture done in collaboration with MATSUO Haruyuki,which skateboarders can skate on. The desire to have an art work for skaters, this sculpture was made as a public art even though it was my first work. Reproduced in
  • Dreamgenerator -
    Dreamgenerator 4 ( detection, transformation, 3D generating ) reacts and transform according to events (sound, motion , light) within the building at Lärarhögskolan in Stockholm. The result is a real-time generated 3D world/model that transforms
  • Wavefunction -
    Wavefunction is a kinetic sculpture comprised of fifty to one hundred Charles and Ray Eames moulded chairs (designed in 1948) and placed in a regular array of rows, facing the entrance to the exhibition space. When someone approaches the work, a
  • Artificial Life Robotic Sculpture Series The Autotelematic Spider Bots 2006, is a new artificial life robotic installation. It consists of 10 spider-like sculptures that interact with the public in real-time and self-modify their behaviors, based
  • roots -
    roots, 2005-2006 Glasstank, water, ironsulfate, copperwires, platinum, computer, sound system The sculpture works in a cyclic way. Two thirds of the cycle it is active: a crystal object is growing and stretching in space. This can be
  • Drawing Machine 3.1415926 v. 2 explores the notion of generative art or art that makes art on its own. The piece consists of a three tiered mobile sculpture that is driven by the vibration of a motor. This vibration is controlled in two ways. First