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  • Não!
    "Não!" is organized in text blocks which circulate in virtual space at equal intervals, leaving the screen blank prior to the flow of the next text block. The visual rhythm thus created alternates between appearance and disappearance of the
  • ... George Legrady is Professor of Digital Media in the Media Arts & Technology (MAT) Graduate program at the University of...
  • ... Crescenti based in São Paulo, have worked together as an artist duo since 2005. They have held numerous exhibitions in art...
  • ...Golan Levin is an artist and educator whose interests lie in reactive expression, non-verbal communication and technologies that explore our...
  • ... poem executes in a loop. Originally written in Basic, it was part of a series of experimental ASCII works that Kac created in the...
  • Oco
    As the cylindrical form of the three letters spins in space, the letter I appears and disappears, producing the fleeting appearance of the words "o cio" (in heat) and "ócio" (idleness).
  • IO
    Three-dimensional navigational poem in which the letters/numbers I and O appear as elements of an imaginary landscape. IO is "I" in Italian. In this piece it also stands for reconciled differences (one/zero, line/circle, etc.). The reader is invited
  • Storms
    An interactive hypertext piece based on the sefirotic tree of the Kabbalah. "Storms" is organized in vocalic and consonantal bifurcations. To navigate through the poem one is invited to click on a letter at any given time. In some instances,
  • Lia
    ...Lia is an Austrian artist and one of the early pioneers of software and net art. Since 1995, she has been creating digital art, installations...
  • ...Patrick is a conceptual artist, curator, and theorist exploring how media shape our perception of reality as well as the borders between the...