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  • Note from Eduardo Kac: "Please note that it is impossible to convey the readerly interactivity and the spatiotemporal qualities of these pieces on a web page. The documentary images below serve as an introduction to this work. Six different points
  • Não!
    "Não!" is organized in text blocks which circulate in virtual space at equal intervals, leaving the screen blank prior to the flow of the next text block. The visual rhythm thus created alternates between appearance and disappearance of the
  • MACHFELD (Sabine Maier | Michael Mastrototaro) Sabine Maier Sabine Maier ist „Photo & Medienkünstlerin“, die nicht nur mit den Medien arbeitet, sondern an den Medien. Seit 1999 ist sie freischaffende Foto- & Medienkünstlerin, die nicht nur mit,
  • ... that exploits the beliefs of the masses. Hers is an art of excess, going beyond the boundaries of legitimized narrative,...
  • ... poem executes in a loop. Originally written in Basic, it was part of a series of experimental ASCII works that Kac created in the...
  • Oco
    As the cylindrical form of the three letters spins in space, the letter I appears and disappears, producing the fleeting appearance of the words "o cio" (in heat) and "ócio" (idleness).
  • IO
    Three-dimensional navigational poem in which the letters/numbers I and O appear as elements of an imaginary landscape. IO is "I" in Italian. In this piece it also stands for reconciled differences (one/zero, line/circle, etc.). The reader is invited
  • ... After having studied industrial design, Lawrence Malstaf starts of in theatre. He designs scenographies for choreographers and...
  • ...Lev Manovich is an artist and a theorist of new media. He was born in Moscow where he studied fine arts, architecture and computer science. He...
  • ... packets toolkit, the 0xA band, the digital artlife Metabiosis project, the pure:dyne GNU/Linux live distribution for media... Aymeric Mansoux has taken part in many artistic experiments based on the internet and the emergence of networks, and considers any form of data...