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  • Maurice, M. and Jean-Baptiste Barrière. Emotional Traffic, Mechanics of Emotions Ars Electronica 2005- Hybrid: Living in Paradox (2005).
  • Event: Emotions and InteractivityInstitution: This Happened, K11 Art SpaceComment:
  • Event: Emotions ForecastInstitution: FAME, Espace CardinComment:
  • Emotion in Space seeks to re-imagine ways in which global real- time datasets can give us a unique perspective on the understanding of world motion through emotional currents emanating from 3200 different cities. Part of the Mechanics of Emotions...
  • Event: Emotions in SpaceInstitution: Musée des Arts et MétiersComment:
  • Event: Emotivité augmentéeInstitution: TEDx Paris Comment:
  • Foto series
    The mechanics of emotions in photographs
    6 photos with subtitles

    "La Mécanique des émotions" is a great tale of works : performances, installations, sculptures, machines…
    "eMoving Stills" are like a subtitled film in which the...
  • eMoving Stills -
    La Mécanique des émotionsest un grand récit en œuvres: performances, sculptures, installations, machines...

    eMoving Stills sont comme un film sous-titré dont les photogrammes ponctueraient les étapes, semant les indices d'interprétation d'une...
  • Empire
    Event: EmpireInstitution: Bitforms GalleryComment: