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  • Event: Bienal de Artes Visuais do MercosulInstitution: Fundação Bienal do MercosulComment:
  • BAC -
    Event: BACInstitution: Musée d'art contemporain de LyonComment:
  • SWAMP (Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production) focuses on critical themes addressing the effects of global corporate operations, mass media and communication, military-industrial complexes, and general meditations on the liminal area between
  • Jun Takita, born in 1966 in Tokyo, graduated in 1988 from Nihon University, majoring in arts. He received a Masters from Paris Ecole National d’Art in 1992, having received a scholarship from the French government. He draws heavily from concepts of
  • Ed Tannenbaum was an Artist in Residence at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, Art Institute in Chicago, consulted and developed traveling shows with the Fleet Science Center, consulted with Atari, Sony, 3DTV Corp., Tom Tit’s Experiment in Sweden,
  • Nell Tenhaaf is an electronic media artist, writer and educator. Tenhaaf works propose the deconstruction of the mainstream biological discourses and the cultural implications of biotechnologies and Artificial Life. She has exhibited across Canada,
  • British Avantgarde -
    Event: British AvantgardeInstitution: Floriade - Stuurgroep Haarlemmerméér GroenComment:
  • Black Airground -
    Event: Black AirgroundInstitution: MoMA, OxfordComment:
  • Cebit '90 -
    Event: Cebit '90Institution: CeBitComment:
  • Event: Wired WorldsInstitution: National Museum of Photography, Film & Television at BradfordComment: