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  • ...Roberto Lopez-Gulliver is a Mexican Media artist and researcher. Received his BSc degree in Mathematics form the Autonomous University of...
  • ...Alessandro Ludovico is an artist, media critic and editor in chief of Neural magazine since 1993. He has published and edited several books, and...
  • ... who works outside the frame. The "moving" image, and in particular the evolution of film in the digital or networked age,...
  • IO
    Three-dimensional navigational poem in which the letters/numbers I and O appear as elements of an imaginary landscape. IO is "I" in Italian. In this piece it also stands for reconciled differences (one/zero, line/circle, etc.). The reader is invited
  • ... from Concordia University in Montréal, Canada. Electronic artist, develops interactive installations that are at the intersection...
  • Storms
    An interactive hypertext piece based on the sefirotic tree of the Kabbalah. "Storms" is organized in vocalic and consonantal bifurcations. To navigate through the poem one is invited to click on a letter at any given time. In some instances,
  • Accident
    Runtime looped animation in which language continuously emerges and disappears. As a speech fragment is repeated and letters disappear from it, new meanings emerge.
  • UPC
    In this looped and silent installation-poem 7-foot tall letters are projected against the wall. They emerge out of focus on the right, move across diagonally into focus, and disappear again out of focus to the left. Literal and at the same time
  • Runtime animation in which the visual and sound tracks function independently and complementarily in two languages (English and Portuguese), one not being the translation of the other. “Desperto” means “awaken” in Portuguese. Originally a runtime
  • MACHFELD (Sabine Maier | Michael Mastrototaro) Sabine Maier Sabine Maier ist „Photo & Medienkünstlerin“, die nicht nur mit den Medien arbeitet, sondern an den Medien. Seit 1999 ist sie freischaffende Foto- & Medienkünstlerin, die nicht nur mit,