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  • 3D Vision -
    Event: 3D VisionInstitution: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of PhotographyComment:
  • Event: 3rd Slovenian International Computer Arts FestivalInstitution: Kulturni centar MariborComment:
  • Sculptor's dream: a virtual world, with Donald Blevins, David Smalley, and Noel Zahler. The Fifth Biennial Symposium for Arts and Technology, NewLondon, CT (1995).
  • ... MIT; his media installations, performances and...
  • ... interactiveinstallations, art interventions,...
  • Working with computer based arts since the late 1960s. There should be humour and politics, at least sometimes, in art. Especially the humour and politics of digital art. I think art should be a more or less systematic enquiry whose goal is
  • Artist Statement: I am interested in exploring notions of transformation, energy transfer, bridging the conscious and unconscious realms, and rendering the invisible visible through action and reaction. The results manifest themselves either as an
  • Event: 25 Years Video - SculptureInstitution: Du Mont KunsthalleComment:
  • Event: 50th Anniversary of Kunsthalle BernInstitution: Kunsthalle BernComment:
  • Anti-City Circus -
    Event: Anti-City CircusInstitution: KoopvardersplantsoenComment: