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  • A light installation for the Night of Museums Berlin inspired by the concept of coloured shadows in Goethe’s Theory of Colours
  • photography-film-coffee-neural networks-quantum physics-string theory-astrophysics-art-books-dogs
  • Filmmaker, visual artist and curator, working with video, photography, installation and commissions for public spaces. Her work focuses on the relation of cinema and New Media with an emphasis on notions of identity, representation and (feminist)
  • Born in Essex, England, susan pui san lok lives and works in London. She graduated with a first in Fine Art from Bretton Hall, University of Leeds (1994), followed by an MA with distinction in Feminism and the Visual Arts, again from the University
  • Since 2004 - Curriculum designer and senior lecturer for Interactive Media and Creative Arts modules at Department of Art Theory and Practice, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 2008-2016: Cyber Hub Leader at Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Oxford,
  • After studies of Philosophy and esthetic theory in Frankfurt und Paris (1988-1992) a short intermezzo followed as scientific assistant at Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt am Main. 1992 starting artistic practice with the projekt "Human
  • John Tonkin is a Sydney based new media artist. After studying science and then playing with photography, experimental film and animation, he began making computer animation in 1985. Tonkin develops his own software in programming languages such as
  • Lunenfeld, Peter. Digital Dialectics: A Hybrid Theory of Computer Media Afterimage 21 (November 1993): 5-7.
  • Goldberg, Ken and Ruzena Bajcsy. Active Touch and Robot Perception Cognition and Brain Theory 7, no. 2 (Winter 1984): 199-214.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Modeling Emergence of Complexity: the Application of Complex System and Origin of Life Theory to Interactive Art on the Internet In Artificial Life VII - Proceedings of the Seventh International