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  • The Adding Machine -
    ...Live Theatre Meets Virtual Reality On April 18, 1995 the University Theatre of the University of Kansas brought live theatre to cyberspace through the use of "virtual reality" in a fully mounted theatrical production. Audiences were invited to join live and...
  • ...An exploration of the relationship between the real and the virtual, new media and other artistic traditions. The artworks presented will explore sound, image and interactivity using a range of digital media, including 3D modelling, digital audio and moving image...
  • Exodus
    ... to replicate the biblical trail of the prophet Moses. This site is the Net result of Bielicky's creation, a series of virtual images beamed from the Israeli desert using a Global Positioning System and a cellular phone. Bielicky's unusual...
  • ... Island in Second Life. Cyberspace: The Final Frontier. Since 1994 with the advent of the World Wide Web, online virtual 3D worlds promised us endless freedom to be and do and create whatever we want, free of all restrictions. The most well-known...
  • ... onto the visitor's fingertip, he or she can explore through the viewfinder of the microscope three dimensional abstract virtual organisms, all being produced through an algorithm. According to parameters coming both from the plant biological pulses...
  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    ... measure wind speed, light levels and temperature information, which is fed into a computer which synthesises a real-time virtual 3D environment, based on the real weather conditions. This virtual environment consists of individual behavioural objects...
  • ...Lamm, Bettina. Explorative Space: Spatial Expression and Experience in Gardens and in VR Works Virtual Space: Spatiality in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds (2002): 215-237.
  • ... time we can actually move around in their universe. To visit a six sided VR environment and to be totally enclosed in virtual space was a challenge to confront. Here, the artist let the double experience of space strongly influence the whole piece....
  • ...And so Eduction: the "alien within", as a hybrid architecture of real and virtual, as performance, as installation and concert, opens the horizon of virtual worlds capable of interacting at the deepest levels of mental activity of the surfing subject. Once again,...
  • sens:less -
    ... plastic egg which is inflated by a cool air fan, and suspended by metal arms over a steel platform. Video images of the virtual world are projected onto the eggs walls and these images are seen by both the user and the spectators outside the shell. A...