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  • ...The leading theme of the WRO 01 Biennale, SCREENS expresses the character of the media art's...
  • ... video loop for LED mosaic, permanently installed in the entrance lobby of the F. Hoffmann - La Roche...
  • ... Media-Art, Writings, Mediatheory Themen: Medien und Kommunikationstechnologie,...
  • ...Theme: affective turbulence, the art of open systems. DEAF, the Dutch Electronic Art Festival, is a...
    ...Blurring the boundaries between the tangible gallery and the transitory Internet, Net:Reality merges...
  • ...
  • ...Roth, Martin, ed. Der Themenpark der EXPO 2000 die Entdeckung einer neuen Welt. Vol.2. Basic Needs/...
  • Diadrama
    ... pairs of synchronised slide projectors. The main themes explored in this work were...
  • Media Forum 2006 -
    ... (1960-2006), our ideological leader and theoretician, died. This tragedy brought us to two...
  • Taken -
    ...transmediale.07 with its theme "unfish!" analyses the artistic processes open for variation and...