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  • Performance for a matrix of 64 illuminated gas balloons and sound A room is filled with deep, evolving noises from a four-channel sound system. An eight-by-eight array of white, self-illuminated spheres floats in space like the atoms of a complex
  • n-Polytope -
    n-Polytope. Behaviours in Light and Sound after Iannis Xenakis is a spectacular light and sound environment combining cutting edge lighting, lasers, sound, sensing and artificial intelligence software technologies inspired by composer Iannis
  • Cloud Murmurs -
    This project collects sound recordings taken in different datacenters, rooms where we store our data, websites and sensitive informations, as big clouds following us everywhere. Clouds seems to us intangible and impalpable, silent, due to their
  • Scenocosme (Grégory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt) in collaboration with Lola and Yukao Meet (Lola Ajima & Yukao Nagemi) La maison sensible is an interactive installation that augments the physical space and the relationship between an onlooker
  • Noite Branca MG -
    Event: Noite Branca MGInstitution: Função Clóvis SalgadoComment:
  • Specious Dialogue is a playful exploration of conversation. The work comprises two cubic sculptures mounted on casters, one black and one white, house battery-powered tiny cameras, as well as wireless recording and playback systems. These can be
  • Kim Asendorf is a conceptual artist and works in a large area of media and digital related art. He loves to transport things from the Internet into real life and back. Kim did several net art projects, often based on data taken from the Internet or
  • Kutschat Hanns, Daniela. O Corpo Reinventado In Comunicacao and Tecnologia, edited by Urbano Nojosa and Wilton Garcia, 131-142. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Nojosa Edicoes, 2003.
  • Sometimes Always / Sometimes Never / Sometimes discusses the visual horizons of nomadic culture and its entropic and saturated environments. Its point of departure is that nowadays life is seen through windows and screens and each moment appears as
  • Penny, Simon. John Heartfield, Where Are You When We Need You Most? Nokia Online Journal (September 1998).