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  • Deussen, Oliver and Bernd Lintermann. Erzeugung komplexer botanischer Objekte in der Computergraphik Informatik Spektrum 20, no. 4 (1997): 208-215.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Creating and Communicating with Virtual Life on Mobile Phones In SCI 2001 - 5th World Multiconference on Systemcis, Cyberneticx and Informatics, Conference Proceedings, , 64-70. Orlando: International
  • Deussen, Oliver and Bernd Lintermann. Regelbasierte und prozedurale Datengenerierung in Computergraphik und Bioinformatik In GI Workshop Biomolekulare Informatik, Aachen: Gesellschaft für Informatik Fachgruppe Informatik in den Biowissenschaften,
  • Nake, Frieder. The Display as a Looking-Glass: Zu Ivan E. Sutherlands früher Vision der grafischen Datenverarbeitung In Visionen, Pardigmen und Leitmotive in der Geschichte der Informatik, edited by Hans Dieter HelligeBerlin, Heidelberg, New York:
  • Reinhuber, Elke and Benjamin Seide and Ross Williams. Yunnan Garden VR – Re-creation of a Tropical Garden as Virtual Cultural Heritage Kultur und Informatik – Extended Reality (2020): 25-37.
  • Liquid Selves -
    This piece depicts the upcoming struggle between the virtual and physical sides of our selves. As technology brings us the age of virtual worlds, our existence as individuals becomes less and less dependent on our physical being. Our virtual
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    PICO_SCAN is an interactive installation that allows users to measure and capture their users various body data and links them to the creation and evolution of artificial life creatures. The PICO_SCAN system consists of 5 PICO_SCANNER interface
  • Three inflatable pavilions, each having a specific function, were specially commissioned for Sonsbeek buiten de perken. Besides the Information Pavilion, an air supported semi-sphere covered with sythetic grass, and the Video Studio, a tensile
  • Points of View II - Babel addressed issues relating to the Falklands War. It was made using the same functional and iconographic structures as Points of View I, but with a differing content.In BABEL hieroglyphs were used to articulate a
  • The Panoramic Navigator is a uniquely new interactive multimedia information terminal that embodies patented augmented reality technologies developed at the ZKM Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Panoramic Navigator allows the