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  • ... coincidence, order and chaos. In 2000 he makes a series of sensorial rooms for individual...
  • Letter
    ... of letters written to the same person. However, in order to convey a particular emotional... whom each fragment is addressed. The poem makes reference to moments of death and birth in...
  • ... lagoglyphs into the environment and makes them visible to the world. In its first...
  • ... past, a convention of society, and which makes possible future forms.“ Joseph Beuys ...
  • ... in the self-reflective question: how in future will the festival position itself in... film composition and scenery. What makes the festival so special, though, is the film...
  • ... lagoglyphs into the environment and makes them visible to the world. It consists of a...
  • ... film was made in 1988, its aesthetic makes it feel more as if it was a product of the...
  • ... The exhibition’s title “On The Road” makes reference to the defining work of the Beat...
  • ... Electronica, the festival that annually makes Linz the international center of media art....
  • Media Forum 2001 -
    ... year which is certainly no anniversary. However, this brings its organizers both a great... experimental art in the environment that makes no allowance for age or the radicalism of...