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  • kondition pluriel is an interdisciplinary digital performance group based in Montreal and Vienna, formed by Marie-Claude Poulin and Martin Kusch. Since its beginnings in 2000, the collective has focused on exploring the performative possibilities of
  • "My artistic practice is characterised by an in depth engagement with process, scientific methodologies and the nature of experiment. Here 'experiment' refers both to the act of acquiring knowledge and information through testing scenarios, and to
  • Virtual Reality Installation. Partially funded by an art grant of the Annenberg Center for Communication, LA, USA. Developed at the University of Southern California, LA, USA, and Robotiker, Basque Country, Spain.
  • Artist Statement: "Increased use of sensor technologies, big data, algorithms, surveillance, monitoring and tracking question what it means to be human in terms of privacy, individuality, authority, and the State. Using robotized voices, enhanced
  • Event: AI, All Too HumanInstitution: Robotronica 2017Comment:
  • Syncronicity 2008 This work developed out of my research fellowship at goldsmiths college.This is a live visualisation of a hand drawn city. Dozens of hand drawings are being walk on by small robots. The real space made as a visualisation. A
  • ALE GUZZETTI (Pier Natale Guzzetti, 1953, Milan, Italy) He studied at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, and he took some University courses in electronic and computer music at the Polytechnic University of Milan and at the Calculate Sonology
  • Robots Painting -
  • Projet de parc thématique culturel: Conception des dispositifs interactifs, réalité virtuelle, réalité augmentée, robots…