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  • Victor Acevedo is an artist best known for his digital work involving printmaking and video. Since 2007 his primary focus has been working with video and producing (electronic) visual music works. As an ongoing practice, Acevedo issues images as
  • Uršula Berlot, (b. Ljubljana, 1973) studied philosophy at the Faculty of Arts for two years, then painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana, and at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. She received her PhD in
  • Dove, Toni. Mesmer: Secrets of the Human Frame. New York: Granary Books, 1993.
  • Li, Yinlin et al.. Li, Yinlin et al (2003) Gesture Frame–A Screen Navigation System for Interactive Multimedia Kiosks. In 5th International Gesture Workshop, edited by Antonio CamurriVol.2915., ,
  • The six two-dimensional, digital print works Making of Eve Clone Portraits IAR, are extensions of Portrait of Eve Clone and Making of Eve Clone II. They convey that the facial proportions and poses of Eve Clone are similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s
  • Given • series of five intelligent interactive video-sound installations or architectural projections controlled by hand and body gestures • 6K video projection with 4 channel interactive audio • video projection
  • CrossWorlds -
    CrossWorlds, solo project, monumental installation in the Sancy National Parc, in the frame of Horizon projet, Auvergne, France, June - September 2009
  • Lives and works in Brussels My main interests focus on social psychology and perception and their application in multimedia interactive installations. These projects attempt to widen the mind's potential for perception using different production
  • Ren Fah - is a media-artist and researcher working in the field of Cultural Studies/ Critical Theory and Analysis. He received his PhD. in 2011 from the University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Within the frame of his PhD. project he conducted research
  • Event: Beyond the FrameInstitution: Gallery BežigradComment: