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  • ...Nemec, Gaspard. Interview: Matt Kenyon. The cross-platform artist talks technology, politics and his newest work, SUPERMAJOR [].
  • ... Arts at the Vienna Art School. He is co-founder of CONT3XT.NET (2006) – a collaborative platform for the discussion and... Carlos Katastrofsky a.k.a Michael Kargl (Vienna, Austria) is artist and teacher in the realm of New Media Art. Born 1975, he studied Sculpture...
  • ...I started my artistic career with "SMTV", a unit for a pirate TV station. My works: "Inter Dis Communication Machine", "Seeing is believing" and...
  • ... for Short Fiction (1982). (source: and sculptor William Kentridge studied at the Johannesburg Art Foundation and the Ecole Jacques Lecoq in Paris. In 1998, a major...
  • ...Djehan Kidd is a Mediated Reality artist behind, among others, hangars liquides VR, the largest and longest running virtual futurist dystopian...
  • ... Gioni and Massimiliano Hoptman, ed. Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory. London: New Museum and Phaidon Press, 2009.
  • ...Pedjick, Bodjana. Unknown Artist. New York: Fricke & Schmid, 1993.
  • ...Kisseleva Olga. Where Are You? artist book. Paris, France: Onestarpress Editions, 2006.
  • ...Laatikkomo. Interview-Laatikkomo
  • ... the research. The artist calls upon exact sciences, on genetic biology, geophysics, and also on political and social sciences.... "The artist Olga Kisseleva's approach to her work is much the same as a scientist's. A discrepancy detected during a procedure or within the...