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  • Hünnekens, Annette. Der bewegte Betrachter. Theorien der interaktiven Medienkunst. Köln: Wienand Verlag, 1997.
  • Event: Hyperkult 10: Spiel-Welten: Theorien, Regeln, InterfacesInstitution: Universität LüneburgComment:
  • ursula damm greenhouse converter, 2008 Cybernetic-model, consisting of waterfleas (daphnia magna), algues (Hydrodictyonreticulatum, volvoxglobator), LEDs with changing colours; pump, monitor, camera, waterfountain Water enriched with
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    The greenhouse converter is an apparatus for algae, water fleas and people. Water from a fountain, enriched with atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide, is pumped from beneath via an air supply into an aquarium. This feeds an algal culture
  • Duende Diagram -
    A cartographic map of the different flows that constitute my theories of a becoming cultured brain. More specifically how noise and improvisation through their bringing about difference and variation in the cultural landscape producing other neural
  • Scholar/artist. Topics: Theories of the digital, conceptual writing, electronic literature
  • In my work I want to describe worlds that only exists in my mind, I want to explore this worlds created by the inner mind, they are mainly landscapes of lonely places, where I am the only person in the work, the person that sees them, the observer.
  • artist and researcher with focus on art and media theories
  • Pommier, Edouard. Théories du portrait. De la Renaissance aux Lumières. Paris: Gallimard, 1998.
  • Kalay, Yehuda E.. Architecture´s New Media: Principles, Theories and Methods of Computer-Aided Design. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.