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  • Domingues, Diana. Arte e Vida no Século XXI: Tecnologia, ciência e criatividade. São Paulo, BR: Editora UNESP, 2003.
  • Galeria do Século XXI
  • Face Value -
    Dead Presidents, deceased dictators, passed poets and reigning sovereigns – they watch us daily, as we swap goods for labor-power, as we sell commodities and buy resources, as we hawk dues and invest in securities, as we barter mining rights for
  • Knowbotic Research investigates in the context of the "war of terror" legal frameworks which inscribe and determine in mostly invisible layers our public fields of action. KR directs the attention away from the dominant layer of represen-tation
  • Tad Hirsch is a researcher and PhD candidate in the Smart Cities Group at MIT's Media Lab, where his work focuses on the intersections between art, activism, and technology. He has worked with Intel's People and Practices Research Group, Motorola's
  • Helyer, Nigel. Prometheus Bound in: Innovation in Australian Arts, Media and Design: Fresh Challenges for the Tertiary Sector. Germany: Wissler, Rod, Haseman, Brad, Wallace, Sue-Anne, Keane, Michael, 2004.
  • Inner Telescope -
    Permanently Closed The Green Lantern Press is a 501c3 arts organization that produces contemporary art exhibitions, art and literary publications, and free public programs that together facilitate a public, multidisciplinary cultural discourse. The
  • To mark the start of the new decade, the European Media Art Festival presented a review of German experimental film and video art production from the 1980s, offering viewers the opportunity to see familiar works again and to perhaps rediscover and
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