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  • Floating Signs II -
    Three-part light installation Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' 'Floating Signs 2' features three light sticks, each consisting of a vertical bar of white flickering LEDs. For the viewer, the words and images seem to emerge from the bars,
  • The Japanese female artist Sachiko Kodama was born in 1970. As a child she spent a lot of time in the southernmost part of Japan. This area is rich in tropical flowers and plants, edged by the sea, and washed with warm rain. Sachiko loved art and
  • Kwangju Biennale 1997 -
    Theme: Unmapping The Earth.
  • Theme: Internet as Cyborg.
  • Theme: the future of the future.
  • Kwangju Biennale 2002 -
    Theme: Pause.
  • Kwangju Biennale 2000 -
    Theme: +
  • ISEA 2000: revelation -
    Theme: Revelation
  • 1960 - born in town Yaroslavl, Russia; 1984 - graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute; - an artist, poet, author of many art-projects; - an inspirator and organiser of various communication creative societies (KEPNOS,
  • Eurographics 2005 -
    "In 2005, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, will play host to Eurographics, the 26th annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics. Eurographics is the leading international organisation purely devoted to the needs of