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  • The Machinista festival celebrates artificial intelligence in the arts, presenting an international selection of works where the machine plays an essential role in the creative process.
  • Event: The 8th New York Digital Salon in MadridInstitution: New York Digital SalonComment:
  • Ken Rinaldo is internationally recognized for interactive art installations developing hybrid ecologies with animals, algorithms, plants, and bacterial cultures. His art/science practice serves as a platform for hacking complex social, biological,
  • Videonale 5 -
    "The Golden Seed" shown as The Golden Egg or perhaps as "The Golden I"
  • Siggraph 1989 -
    Event: Siggraph 1989Institution: ACM SiggraphComment:
  • Event: 100Days100ImachinationsInstitution: Walter Storms GalerieComment:
  • Computerkunst 2.002 -
    Event: Computerkunst 2.002Institution: Innovationszentrum Wiesenbusch Gladbeck (IWG)Comment:
  • Claudia Robles-Angel is an interdisciplinary artist born in Bogotá-Colombia, currently living in Cologne-Germany and active worldwide. Her work and research cover different aspects of visual and sound art, which extend from audiovisual
  • J. Rosenbaum is a contemporary figurative artist working in 3D modeling and exploring the boundaries of technology and art. Their most recent work has been in exploring the nature of Non Binary Transness and their own genders and sexuality. Well
  • Event: 100Days100ImachinationsInstitution: Universität KasselComment: