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  • ... “white cube” gallery space. Inside, instructions encouraged participants to disclose secrets into a microphone. Their mute video was...
  • ...Jaroslav Vančát, Ph.D. New media artist – multimedia art, digital art, computer art, interactive art, visual structuralism, conceptual art,...
  • ... boundaries of secrecy and privacy. Through immersive participation, visitors witness how whispered words swiftly propagate,...
  • The chair’s interactive interface creates a sonic environment that transforms our emotional state into sound. Drawing inspiration from John Cage's 4'33”, the concept of the chair explores themes of waiting, boredom, silence, and noise. As visitors
  • Theremin
    ...ThereminArtist: Ilknur YalvacComment:
  • This Augmented reality video is an early short version of the video installation 'Hortus Delicarium'. Its about the dilemma between our changing perception of reality through the interference of emerging technologies and our demand for nostalgy,
  • ...Pedro Alves da Veiga is a Portuguese transdisciplinary artist and researcher. He holds a degree in Computer Science (Nova University of Lisbon),...
  • "Roman Verostko, a founding member of the algorists, has practiced drawing and painting since graduating from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 1949. Reflecting on well over a half century of his work he sees continuity between drawing with his
  • Bichicu-Chow - video
    ...Bichicu-ChowArtist: Pat BadaniComment:
  • Bichicuchitu - video
    Bichicuchitu” is a 3D computer animation inspired by new debates concerning biological productions that challenge definitions of what’s considered distinct species, calling for a reconsideration of notions on alterity. With the aim of reinterpreting